
Author: Yakult

Happy Lunar New Year from Yakult


Lunar New Year is a celebration of the arrival of spring and the beginning of a new. It is one of the most important holidays in China, one also widely celebrated in Vietnam, South Korea, and countries with a significant overseas Chinese population. This year we usher in the Year of the wood Dragon based on the Chinese zodiac calendar.



At Yakult, we celebrated the Lunar New Year at our facility with dragon-themed event in Dandenong, Victoria. In addition to a Mandarin-guided tour of our factory, we provided a dragon handcraft activity for all child attendees while learning about the benefits of Yakult. Our mascot Yakult Man joined us for photographs and gifted everyone Yakult customised red envelopes (lucky packets) in the tradition of Lunar New Year.


We wish you a happy Lunar New Year and all the best in the Year of Dragon!





Introducing our new resource ‘Poop diary’

At Yakult, our fermentable milk drink contains the unique bacteria called ‘Lacticaseibacillus paracasei Shirota’. Yakult has shown to benefit for your intestinal health and digestive system including, improved bowel regularity and consistency. How do you check the health of your digestive system by looking in the toilet?

Firstly, what is a healthy bowel motion?

Let’s get real about your bathroom buddy – poop! What makes for a healthy bowel motion, you ask? Picture this: a smooth, sausage-like stool that’s easy to pass, with a light to dark brown colour. If your bowel motions are more on the watery side, you might be experiencing diarrhoea. And if it’s dry, unformed-separate nuggets and hard-to-pass side you could be going through constipation.

Why tracking your bowel motions (poop) can be helpful?

Tracking is a way for you to understand the frequency and consistency of your bowels and the healthiness of your intestines.
This is where we would like to introduce a new poop diary. It’s like having a personal diary for your digestive health. The diary is a fun and engaging way to encourage not only adults, but also children in understanding their bowel motions.

What is included?

– The seven types of bowel motions, from loose to formed to hard consistency. Aim for type 3 or 4 (healthy bowel motion)*
– Tracking boxes for a seven-day week (Sunday to Saturday) across four weeks.
– Two important questions after you have completed all four weeks:
• How many times is each stool type marked in the calendar?
• How many days have I drank Yakult?
– A colouring in page, is a fun way to tick off the completion of the weeks as they go by.

*If your bowel motions are on the loose or harder end of the spectrum, we encourage you to seek a health professional i.e. dietitian that can assist in making positive change in your diet.

We hope you enjoy the use of this diary as much as we did creating it.

Beyond the Gut: Probiotics for Radiant Skin

When we hear the word “probiotics,” we usually think of intestinal health. But did you know that these friendly bacteria can work wonders for your skin too? In this blogpost, we will explore how probiotics can contribute to a healthier complexion!


First, what are probiotics?

According to the World Health Organisation, probiotics are “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.” 1 While they are renowned for their positive effects on gut health, recent research has unveiled their remarkable potential for skin health.

What is the definition of skin?

The skin is like your body’s protective shield. It’s the outer covering that wraps around you, keeping everything inside safe. It’s like a barrier that keeps out harmful things and helps to keep your body temperature just right – not too hot, not too cold, and not too wet or dry. Your skin also lets you feel things, like touch, heat, cold, and pain. Hence, it is important to take care of our skin as it plays a significant role in maintaining our overall health and wellbeing.

Figure 1. Anatomy of the skin. 2

Like our intestine, the skin harbors many, different kinds of microorganisms, including both beneficial and potentially harmful bacteria. The beneficial microorganisms in our skin microflora play a crucial role in maintaining skin health by preventing the potentially harmful bacteria from causing problems and by keeping everything in balance. However, imbalances in this microbial community can lead to skin issues such as acne, rosacea, and dermatitis. 3 Probiotics can help by supporting the beneficial bacteria and preventing the overgrowth of harmful ones, ultimately promoting skin health. 4


How do probiotics help the skin?

Now, let’s dive into some of the ways probiotics can help you achieve and maintain radiant skin!


  1. Probiotics helps with acne

Acne is a common skin condition that affects a significant percentage of the population. It is primarily caused by the presence of P. acne bacteria, a potentially harmful bacteria, on the skin. Studies have shown that probiotics can play a significant role in managing acne when consumed or applied to the skin. 5 Here’s how they work:

  • Inhibiting bacterial growth: Probiotics help prevent the growth of P. acne and other harmful bacteria that can lead to acne breakouts. They do this by releasing antibacterial proteins and inhibitory substances. By creating a less favourable environment for these bacteria to grow, probiotics contribute to clearer skin. 6
  • Anti-inflammatory effects: In addition to controlling bacterial growth, probiotics have anti-inflammatory properties. They reduce redness and inflammation, helping to combat the telltale signs of acne. 5
  1. Probiotics keeps your skin youthful

The aging process is complex and influenced by various factors, including genetics and environmental factors. However, probiotics, in both oral and topical form, 7 have been found to have anti-aging properties, promoting a more youthful appearance 8:

  • Improved skin gloss: Probiotics enhance the gloss of your skin, giving it a healthier and more radiant look.
  • Moisture retention: They help maintain optimal moisture levels in your skin, preventing dryness and flakiness.
  • Reduction in wrinkle depth: Probiotics can reduce the depth of skin wrinkles, making your skin look more elastic and youthful.
  1. Probiotics maintain the skin barrier integrity

The skin acts as a barrier to guard our bodies from various external threats, ranging from harmful microbes to environmental stresses. Maintaining its integrity is essential for healthy skin. Probiotics are known to amplify and activate skin barrier proteins, thus restoring and strengthening the skin’s natural defence and mechanism. 9

Yakult’s role in skin health

Yakult is a probiotic drink known for its distinct taste and its unique probiotic strain, Lacticaseibacillus paracasei Shirota (LcS). This strain sets Yakult apart from other probiotic products and has been a staple in digestive health for decades. While the Yakult Original and Yakult LIGHT we have here in Australia are intended for consumption, fun fact, Yakult Japan has their own cosmetic research department and skin care range!

Figure 2. Yakult cosmetic products sold in Japan. 10


Back in the 1950s, Yakult was packaged in glass bottles. The women in the factory who cleaned these bottles for reuse had remarkably soft, beautiful hands due to their contact with the lactic acid probiotic extracts. Using the extracts from the fermentation of carefully selected lactic acid bacteria, Yakult Japan then developed the Shirota Essence, which moisturises, protects, and keep your skin healthy. While we often associate Yakult with a tasty beverage, it’s fascinating to know that Yakult Japan has a dedicated cosmetic research department, highlighting the versatility of probiotics in skincare!

Research has highlighted the benefits of probiotics for the skin. Experience the benefits of incorporating probiotic skincare into your daily routine and witness the difference it can make! Start your journey to radiant, healthy skin today!


  1. Hill C, Guarner F, Reid G, et al. Expert consensus document. The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics consensus statement on the scope and appropriate use of the term probiotic. Nature reviews Gastroenterology & hepatology. 2014;11(8):506-514. doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/nrgastro.2014.66
  2. 4,900+ Skin Diagram Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images – iStock. www.istockphoto.com. https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/skin-diagram
  3. Zhu W, Hamblin MR, Wen X. Role of the skin microbiota and intestinal microbiome in rosacea. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2023;14. doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1108661
  4. Kober MM. Commentary on “The Effects of Probiotics on Immune Regulation, Acne and Photoaging.” Dermatology and Dermatitis. 2018;3(1):01-01. doi: https://doi.org/10.31579/2578-8949/040
  5. Goodarzi A, Mozafarpoor S, Bodaghabadi M, Mohamadi M. The potential of probiotics for treating acne vulgaris: A review of literature on acne and microbiota. Dermatologic Therapy. 2020;33(3). doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/dth.13279
  6. Teng Y, Huang Y, Danfeng X, Tao X, Fan Y. The Role of Probiotics in Skin Photoaging and Related Mechanisms: A Review. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology. 2022;Volume 15:2455-2464. doi: https://doi.org/10.2147/ccid.s388954
  7. Sivamaruthi BS, Kesika P, Chaiyasut C. A REVIEW ON ANTI-AGING PROPERTIES OF PROBIOTICS. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics. 2018;10(5):23. doi: https://doi.org/10.22159/ijap.2018v10i5.28249
  8. Jung YO, Jeong H, Cho Y, et al. Lysates of a Probiotic, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Can Improve Skin Barrier Function in a Reconstructed Human Epidermis Model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019;20(17):4289. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20174289
  9. COMPANY PROFILE.; 2021. https://www.yakult.co.jp/english/pdf/profile2021-2022_en.pdf


What is Coeliac disease? Is it a food allergy, food intolerance or neither?

According to Coeliac Australia, on average approximately 1 in 70 Australian’s are affected by coeliac disease and a large proportion of Australians remain undiagnosed at 80%. 1 Coeliac disease is not an allergy, instead it is an autoimmune disorder. 2 Affected individuals have an adverse reaction to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and oats products, and their derivatives. 3 Through the release of autoantibodies, the immune system mistakenly attacks and damages its own lining of the small intestine. 4 This damage can lead to various gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal symptoms including bowel irregularity, iron deficiency anaemia, osteoporosis and weight loss. 3 Symptoms and the severity experienced are individualised, which can make diagnosis difficult.

Who and how does someone get coeliac disease?

Coeliac disease does not discriminate between male or female and can be developed at any age. If individuals carry a genetic predisposition of two particular genes, they have an increase chance of developing coeliac disease.

If you experience symptoms in line with coeliac disease, seek out medical evaluation and diagnosis from a health professional; a general practitioner and a gastroenterologist. Diagnosis may include a blood test and a biopsy through a gastroscopy. 3 Try to avoid self-diagnosis as this may lead to unnecessary food restrictions.

Four tips for management:

  1. A strict gluten free diet: Coeliac disease requires lifelong management, an accredited practising dietitian will be a helpful resource in providing advice and guidance on a gluten free diet whilst minimising complications.
  2. Cross contamination: Have specific gluten free kitchen equipment e.g. chopping knives and boards at home. Call ahead to restaurants and cafes to alert them of your dietary requirement to limit cross contamination with gluten containing foods.
  3. Food labelling:
    • Gluten free certified products have no gluten detected and will be listed on the packaging.
    • Be careful of wheat free products as they may still contain gluten.
  4. Aim for a well-balanced, healthy eating diet and lifestyle.

Yakult is gluten free. Probiotics like Yakult have been shown to assist in strengthening the gut wall, supportive of a gluten free diet and in reducing digestive symptoms (such as bloating, diarrhoea) often experienced with coeliac disease.


  1. Coeliac Australia. Coeliac Disease. Coeliac.org.au. Published 2021. https://www.coeliac.org.au/s/coeliac-disease
  2. Allergy and intolerance. NSW Food Authority. https://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/consumer/life-events-and-food/allergy-and-intolerance
  3. Better Health Channel. Coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity. Vic.gov.au. Published 2012. https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/coeliac-disease-and-gluten-sensitivity
  4. Yu X, Uhde M, Green P, Alaedini A. Autoantibodies in the Extraintestinal Manifestations of Celiac Disease. Nutrients. 2018;10(8):1123. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10081123

Food allergy vs food intolerance- clearing up the confusion!

Earlier this month we attended the Free from + allergy conference in Sydney. Why did Yakult attend? Did you know that Yakult is gluten free, and with less than 2g of lactose in every bottle of Yakult, most people with a lactose intolerance can tolerate the fermented milk drink.

Knowing what a food allergy is versus a food intolerance can often be confusing. Are there similarities and/or differences between the two? We are here to clear some of the misconceptions.

Let’s start off with food allergies

In Australia, 1 in 10 infants and about 2 in 100 adults experience a food allergy, with such high rates, awareness and correct management is crucial. 1

How does the body react to a food allergy?

The immune system, the body’s line of defence, is involved in food allergies. When a person with a food allergy consumes a food that is usually harmless to most people, the immune system detects a threat from the food, more specifically, the nutrient ‘protein’. To protect itself, the body releases chemicals such as histamine in an act to fight the allergenic reaction.

Following the consumption of the allergenic food, symptoms can range from mild to severe and the onset can be quick, within a matter of minutes up to a couple of hours. This sets off reactions that may have an impact on the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, skin, or respiratory system. Symptoms can include, itching, hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, digestive issues, low blood pressure and anaphylaxis. 2 Anaphylaxis is the most severe symptom and left untreated it can be life-threatening. 1 Immediate treatment of injected epinephrine with the use of an EpiPen for example, alongside medical treatment is required in emergency cases when experiencing anaphylaxis. 1

You may be wondering what the common allergenic foods are, well, this includes peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, eggs, milk, wheat, soy, and sesame. 2


There are various tests to diagnose a food allergy including skin prick tests, blood tests (such as specific IgE tests), and oral food challenges conducted under trained personnel (i.e. Accredited Practising Dietitian and/or GP). 3


Four tips for confirmed food allergy management:

  1. Simply put, the best management is to avoid allergenic foods.
  2. Food labelling: allergenic foods are required to be bolded on packaged food labels (by February 2024). Often found in the ingredients list, this enables them to stand out and provide consumers with an informed decision.
  3. Eating out: call ahead and inform staff at the restaurant or café of your allergy and possible options available to you, this will provide clear communication.
  4. Seek out health professionals including a GP and Dietitian to assist in food allergy management.

So, what is a food intolerance?

Unlike food allergies, which involve the immune system, food intolerances generally affect the digestive system. 4 Food intolerance happens when your body has trouble digesting or dealing with certain foods or their components, for example not having enough of an enzyme (like the lactose enzyme that works to breakdown the lactose sugar in dairy), being sensitive to food additives or other health issues. 1 Symptoms of food intolerances are generally milder than a food allergy, often including gastrointestinal discomfort like bloating, gas, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain. 4 Other non-gastrointestinal symptoms can include hives, headaches and migraines. 1 The onset of symptoms can be delayed, occurring hours to days after consuming the trigger food/s. 4 These symptoms, however mild, are uncomfortable if experienced on a regular basis.

Common types of food intolerances affecting people include lactose (milk and dairy products), fructose (e.g. fruit and honey), non-coeliac gluten sensitivity, food additives like artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives i.e. sulphites and FODMAP’s, also recognised as Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols. 4

FODMAP’s are a group of sugars, also known as carbohydrates, that are found in a broad range of foods and additives. 5 In affected people, these sugars are not digested or absorbed properly in the gut when they travel through the gastrointestinal tract. 5 The FODMAP sugar/s draw excess fluid into the small intestine and when they are fermented by the large intestine additional gas is generated. 5 This action of excess fluid and gas production can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms including, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms such abdominal bloating and distension, pain, flatulence, and nausea, as well as, diarrhoea (IBS-D), constipation (IBS-C), or both (IBS-M; mixed). 5 For further information, please visit our earlier blog on FODMAP’s here.

Various tests are available to diagnose food intolerance including, hydrogen breath tests (for lactose and fructose intolerance/s), however this method may not be the most accurate because between clinics they can do things differently. 6 Another way is the elimination and reintroduction method, meaning, that you avoid and/or consume is small amounts the foods you think might be causing problems and see if you feel better when you eat them again. 5 You don’t always need a breath test before doing this. 2, 6 Please note, seek health professional advice prior to commencing, to avoid self-diagnosis and management.

Four tips for food intolerance management:

  1. If you suspect a food intolerance, seek out health professionals including a GP and a dietitian to provide tailored individualised management.
  2. Keep a food symptom diary to track food and beverage intake, symptoms, and frequency.
  3. Low FODMAP diet: this allows the gastrointestinal track to recover and then slowly re-introduce FODMAP containing foods. A low FODMAP diet is a short-term management, ideally you would like to consume a diverse range of foods with minimal restriction were possible.
  4. Looking after your mental health is also very important. Experiencing these symptoms can be stressful and create fear with completing previous tasks like going out and about, this can exacerbate symptoms. Practice meditation, yoga or a hobby for instance to manage your mental health.

At the conference

The Yakult stall was widely enjoyed by visitors, with over 1,500 bottles given away for free sampling. Attendees visited the stall to learn more about the quality of ingredients, suitability of Yakult regarding specific food allergies or intolerances and the health benefits of exclusive Lacticaseibacillus Paracasei Shirota (LcS) strain.


  1. Allergy and intolerance. NSW Food Authority. https://www.foodauthority.nsw.gov.au/consumer/life-events-and-food/allergy-and-intolerance
  2. Better Health Channel. Food allergy and intolerance. Vic.gov.au. Published 2012. https://wwbetterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/food-allergy-and-intolerance
  3. Diagnosing Food Allergy | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. www.niaid.nih.gov. https://www.niaid.nih.gov/diseases-conditions/diagnosing-food-allergy
  4. Food intolerance. Healthy Eating Advisory Service. https://heas.health.vic.gov.au/resources/allergies-intolerances/food-intolerance/
  5. Monash University. About FODMAPs and IBS | Monash FODMAP – Monash Fodmap. Monashfodmap.com. Published 2019. https://www.monashfodmap.com/about-fodmap-and-ibs/
  6. Usai-Satta P, Oppia F, Lai M, Cabras F. Hydrogen Breath Tests: Are They Really Useful in the Nutritional Management of Digestive Disease? Nutrients. 2021;13(3):974. doi:https://doi.org/

Exploring the Microbiome: Yakult’s Interactive Wall Game

Are you ready for an educational adventure that’s as fun as it is informative? Look no further than the Yakult Factory’s latest feature, the Interactive Wall Game! Designed to take you on a journey through the world of probiotics and intestinal bacteria, this exciting experience is perfect for all ages. As part of our School Holiday Programs from September 18th to 28th, 2023, you’ll have the opportunity to compete for the highest score at each session, and maybe even win a small prize!

The Yakult Factory Experience

For decades, Yakult has been dedicated to promoting the benefits of probiotics and their positive effects on gut health. Now, with the Interactive Wall Game, we’re taking education to a whole new level.

How Does It Work?

The Interactive Wall Game is as user-friendly as it gets. Here’s what you can expect when you dive into the game:

  1. Registration: Every child will be eligible to play one round of the game with an accompanying adult.
  2. The Game: Step up to the touchscreen wall, and you’ll be transported into the microscopic world of probiotics. Using a fluffy ball, simply toss on the ball towards the screen, aiming for the good bacteria, encouraging them to multiply.
  3. The Challenge: Your task is to multiply as many “good bacteria” as possible while avoiding the harmful ones. Along the way, you’ll see a giant bonus feature which can help you wipe all bad bacteria from the screen. The higher your points, the happier the little boy character will be on top of the screen, and the player with the highest score at each session wins a small prize!

Why It Matters

Understanding the role of probiotics in our bodies is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The Yakult Interactive Wall Game makes learning about this complex topic fun and accessible, whether you’re a child or an adult. By gamifying the experience, we hope to instil a lifelong interest in gut health and microbiome science.

Win Prize and Creating Memories

What’s a game without a little friendly competition and rewards? At the end of each session, the player with the highest score will be announced as the winner.

Book Your Spot Now!

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to combine fun, education, and a chance to win prize at the Yakult Factory. Our Interactive Wall Game is set to be the highlight of the School Holiday Program, be sure to book your spot early. Spaces are limited, so grab your friends and family and join us between September 18th and 28th, 2023, for an unforgettable journey through the world of digestive health, probiotics, and the microbiome.

Book your spot here: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1099593


Yakult is committed to sharing the importance of gut health, and the Interactive Wall Game is just one more way we’re making it fun and engaging for everyone. Come visit our factory during the School Holiday period, play the game, learn about the incredible world of probiotics, and have a chance to take home a prize. It’s an adventure you won’t want to miss!


Yakult Australia Online Scavenger Hunt Game Competition TERMS AND CONDITIONS

General Details:


  1. The Promoter of this Competition is Yakult Australia Pty Ltd (ABN: 97 055 486 443) of Locked Bag 1403 Dandenong South, Victoria, 3164 Australia. Telephone: (03) 9238 4700.


  1. Entrants must be aged 18 years or over and live in Australia to enter this Competition.


  1. Yakult Australia Pty Ltd staff and their family members are excluded from this Competition.


  1. Competition Period: 4 September 2023 12:00 pm (noon) AEST – 17 September 2023 23:59 pm AEST. The Promoter may extend the Competition Period at its sole discretion (Extended Competition Period). Details of any Extended Competition Period will be posted on the Yakult Australia Facebook, Instagram and website. References in these terms and conditions to the Competition Period include any Extended Competition Period, where applicable.


  1. This is a combined Competition between the Yakult Australia Facebook and Instagram accounts. A total of 5 winners will be picked among all Entries on both platforms.




  1. There are a total of 5 prizes to be won with a total prize pool value of $125 ($25 each).


  1. The prize cannot be exchanged for cash or a voucher.


  1. Prizes are not transferable.


Promotion Entry:


  1. By participating, the Entrant agrees to be bound by these conditions.


  1. Participants can only submit their Competition Entry via Facebook or Instagram.


  1. The Competition is a game of skill.


  1. To enter the Competition, the Entrant must:


i. Play the Yakult Australia Online Scavenger Hunt Game at the following URL: https://d2qe8mzmij7qo2.cloudfront.net/games/yakult-scavengerhuntgame/index.html

Entrants can play any level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)


ii. Share a screenshot (image or video) of their highest score of a single game on their Facebook Feed or as an Instagram Feed/Story and tag Yakult Australia in the Facebook image/video or @yakult_australia in the Instagram Feed/Story.


iii. Entrants may play the game multiple times in attempts to reach their highest score, however only their highest score of a single game will be considered as an Eligible Entry. Each Entrant can only win one prize.


iv. Entrants must ensure their Facebook or Instagram account privacy setting is set to public (i.e. not ‘private’) before posting for their submissions to be visible by the Promoter and to be eligible for this Competition.


  1. The Promoter reserves the right to:

i. Verify the validity of Entries and Entrants;


ii. Disqualify any Entrant who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these conditions; and


iii. Disqualify any Entrant submitting an entry which infringes a third party’s intellectual property rights, or in the Promoter’s opinion, includes objectionable content, including but not limited to profanity, potentially insulting, inflammatory or defamatory language.


  1. Incomplete, indecipherable, or illegible entries will be deemed invalid. If there is a dispute as to the identity of an entrant, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the identity of the entrant.


Judging Criteria:


  1. All entries will be judged on 20 September 2023.


  1. Entrants will be ranked by their scores and the top 5 highest scores submitted during the Competition Period will be deemed as winners. If multiple Entrants achieve the same score, they will be ranked chronologically according to the date and time they submitted their Entry (oldest to newest).


  1. The Promoter reserves the right to request the Entrant to provide their name and PIN code to verify their Entry.


  1. The Competition is a game of skill. Chance plays no part in determining the winners.


  1. All judging decisions are at the discretion of the Promoter and no correspondence will be entered into in this regard.


Notification of Winners:


  1. The winners will be announced on 21 September 2023 via the Yakult Australia Facebook and Instagram pages (winner announcement posts) and contacted via Yakult Australia’s Facebook and Instagram Direct Message.


  1. If a Competition winner does not respond to their message notifying them that they are the confirmed winner by 23:59pm AEST on 25 September 2023, they will forfeit their spot as a confirmed Competition participant and the next Eligible Entrant will be selected.


Other Information/Conditions:


  1. This Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by or associated with Facebook or Instagram.


  1. Entrants are providing their information to the Promoter and not to Facebook or Instagram.


  1. By entering the Competition, Entrants consent to the Promoter using their entry across any of Yakult Australia’s social media platforms.


  1. The Promoter collects personal information in order to conduct the promotion and may, for this purpose, disclose such information to third parties, including but not limited to agents, contractors, service providers, prize suppliers and, as required, to Australian regulatory authorities. Entry is conditional on providing this information. If the entrant opts-in at time of entry, the Promoter may, for an indefinite period, unless otherwise advised, use the information for promotional, marketing, publicity, research and profiling purposes, including sending electronic messages or telephoning the entrant. Entrants should direct any request to access, update or correct information to the Promoter. All entries become the property of the Promoter.


  1. Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Competition will be directed to the Promoter, not Facebook or Instagram.


Protein and You

As a fundamental building block, protein plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It is a macronutrient that offers an array of benefits, ranging from supporting muscle growth to enhancing immune function. The Australian dietary guidelines recommend a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from all food groups to ensure adequate nutrient intake, including protein. Let’s delve into the power of protein:


  1.  Muscle Growth and Repair: Protein is the backbone of muscle tissue. Protein intake is vital whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or someone simply looking to maintain muscle mass. During physical activity, muscle fibres undergo micro-tears that necessitate repair and growth. Protein provides the essential amino acids necessary for these processes, promoting faster recovery and overall muscle development.
  2.  Immune Support: Proteins are not only responsible for muscle structure but also play a critical role in supporting a strong immune system. Antibodies, which help combat infections and diseases, are made up of proteins. Consuming adequate protein ensures that your immune system has the necessary resources to function optimally.
  3. Enzymes and Hormones: Enzymes are essential for facilitating various biochemical reactions in the body, while hormones act as chemical messengers that regulate bodily functions. Both enzymes and hormones are predominantly composed of proteins. Ensuring sufficient protein intake enables these processes to occur smoothly, maintaining overall health.


Easy ways to incorporate protein in your diet:

Children: Peanut butter spread on whole-grain crackers/apple slices or a yoghurt pouch with a side of fruit as a snack.

Adults: Cottage cheese with a drizzle of honey and fresh berries or hard-boiled eggs served with sliced veggies.

Elderly: Chia seeds soaked in milk or yoghurt for a protein-rich pudding or pumpkin seeds sprinkled over salads or oatmeal.

Key points:

Protein is a true powerhouse nutrient that offers so many benefits. Ensure a balanced diet that includes adequate protein from various sources such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, nuts, and dairy products.

If you are interested in how to incorporate protein into your diet check out our recipe video creating high-protein pancakes with Chef Miko here:https://youtu.be/7FGdSvpjL9w




Unravelling the Adventure: The Yakult Scavenger Hunt for a Healthy Gut!

Welcome to the fascinating world of the Yakult Scavenger Hunt! Join us on an exciting journey through three captivating stages that focus on improving our gut health and overall well-being. The Yakult Scavenger Hunt is not just a game; it’s a fun and engaging way to understand the significance of sleep, healthy eating, and physical activity, all of which play a vital role in maintaining a healthy gut. Let’s dive into the thrilling quest that awaits you at each stage!


Stage 1: The Bedroom – the Importance of Sleep and Gut Health

Why is sleep crucial for the health of our gut?

Our gut, also known as the gastrointestinal tract, plays a fundamental role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall immune system health. A lack of proper sleep can disrupt the delicate balance of gut bacteria, leading to digestive issues and weakened immunity. Great sleep quality helps to increase beneficial bacteria in your digestive system. Yakult also contains beneficial bacteria – LcS strain – that positively alters the balance of our intestinal bacteria. Drinking Yakult daily can help support your intestinal health!

Remember, a well-rested body and mind are the building blocks of good gut health!


Stage 2: The Kitchen – the Importance of Healthy Eating for a Strong Digestive System

As you successfully complete the beginner stage, the next level of the Yakult Scavenger Hunt awaits you in a vibrant kitchen, teeming with fruits and vegetables of all colours and shapes. The kitchen is the heart of our homes and the starting point to develop healthy eating habits.


Why is healthy eating crucial for our gut health?

The foods we consume have a direct impact on the diversity and balance of our intestinal bacteria. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and probiotics (like the ones found in Yakult) promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in our gut, enhancing digestion and supporting our immune system.

Remember, a well-balanced diet is the key to a flourishing gut ecosystem! You can support your intestinal health by drinking Yakult daily and eating a wide range of fruit and vegetables!


Stage 3: The Outdoor Backyard – the Importance of Physical Activity for a Healthy Gut and Mind

Congratulations on reaching the final stage of the Yakult Scavenger Hunt! As you step into the inviting backyard filled with lush greenery and exercise equipment, the focus shifts to the connection between physical activity and gut health, along with its positive impact on mental well-being.


Why is physical activity essential for a healthy gut?


Engaging in regular exercise stimulates blood flow to the gut and helps maintain a diverse and thriving gut microbiome. Additionally, physical activity releases endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones, which contribute to reduced stress and improved mental health.

A healthy body and a happy mind are connected to promoting gut health and overall wellness! Drinking Yakult daily and exercising regularly can improve your intestinal health.


Mission Accomplished!


Congratulations, dear scavenger! You have completed the exciting Yakult Scavenger Hunt, unlocked the secrets, and found all our hidden items. From the importance of sleep and gut-friendly nutrition to the positive impact of physical activity on our body, you’ve journeyed through an adventure filled with knowledge and fun.


But remember, the Yakult Scavenger Hunt is just the beginning. Now armed with this valuable information, embark on a lifelong journey of taking care of your gut health. Embrace sleep, nourish your body with wholesome foods, and stay active to maintain a flourishing good bacteria ecosystem in your gut that will lead you towards a healthier and happier life!

Ready to join in the fun and start the hunt? Click here or check out the games, craft & recipes tab on our website.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s raise a Yakult toast to your gut-healthy future! Cheers!