A new way to drink Yakult: Saying goodbye to single use plastic straws

Have you noticed anything different about our Yakult 10-pack?
After careful consideration, Yakult Australia have made the decision to discontinue the inclusion of single use plastic straws in our 10-packs.
This change comes in response to growing feedback from our valued customers regarding the impact of plastics in the environment.
We understand some consumers may be disappointed by the change. However, we have thought carefully about the user friendliness. We have made changes to resize the tab on the foil cap, making them easier to open. On balance, it was felt that most people would be prepared to accept a small inconvenience for the greater good of our planet.
We also added a ‘straws removed’ statement on our packaging to ensure that members of the Public understood that the straws were not missing by mistake.
We hope that our valued customers will support this sincere initiative to minimise our impact on the environment.