POSTPONED: Yakult Factory Tours

Following the recent escalation of COVID-19, Yakult Australia has made the considered decision to postpone all factory tours until further notice.
We wholeheartedly appreciate this news brings disappointment, particularly for those awaiting our factory refurbishment. However, during this time of uncertainty, protecting the health and well-being of our visitors, staff and the broader community is our utmost priority.
Yakult will continue to monitor advice released by Government and health services. We’re optimistic that this will pass in a timely manner, and we as a company have taken sensible precautionary measures to help protect community health and safety.
Yakult will continue to post updates on our website. We encourage you to monitor this resource and re-book online once tours resume. For any further enquiries please do not hesitate to contact us on 1800 640 023 or
Wishing you health and wellness at this time,
Yakult Australia