Probus Club Visit

Yakult loves suppoting communities as it is our mission to contribute to the health and happiness of people around the world. One of the ways we do this is by visiting community groups to promote healthy living through FREE nutrition education sessions. Our Dietitians provide health and nutrition talks and encourage groups to come visit our factory if they are looking for a social activity.
We recently visited the Probus Association of Victoria at their delegate meeting located at The Mulgrave Country Club. We were able to provide them with bottles of Yakult as well as encourage them to make the most of their golden years by optimising their health.
It was so encouraging to see the Probus Club members come together to support one another, especially given that social wellbeing plays such an important part in maintaining health and happiness.
If your community group would benefit from a FREE health and nutrition talk or are interested in organising a social outing, please do not hesitate to contact us. Give us a call on 1800 640 023 or send an email to to find out more.
We’d love to contribute to your health and happiness in any way we can!