Yakult at Diabetes Expo

We were given an opportunity to exhibit at the Diabetes Expo, held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in Victoria on the 27th April. Thank you to everyone who visited and gave us feedback!
The most common feedback we received from attendees who visited us was that they have never tasted Yakult LIGHT, unaware of the new improved Yakult LIGHT recipe that has been available since November 2017. During the exhibition, we provided free bottles of Yakult LIGHT for the attendees to try and encouraged them to complete a survey on taste. If you have tried the new Yakult LIGHT recently and would love to give us some feedback, please feel free to visit here here and fill out our Consumer Satisfaction Survey!
Yakult LIGHT is available at major supermarket stores, as well as some independent grocers in Australia and New Zealand.
Yakult LIGHT contains less than 3 grams of sugar per bottle and 3.2 grams of total carbohydrate. It contains the same high number of probiotic bacteria as Yakult Original, the Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain, with the same benefits in helping to regulate bowel motions and strengthening our immune system. For more information on Yakult LIGHT, visit this page!

Yakult Australia stand during Diabetes Expo 2019
If you have any questions about our product, give us a call on our free Infoline 1800 640 023!