Yakult Man AR Filter Giveaway

Introducing… The Yakult Man AR Filter!
Using Yakult Man’s new filter, share an Instagram Story showing us how you enjoy Yakult.
Include the hashtag #HowDoYouYakult and tag @yakult_australia in the Instagram story.
For more information please read below:
- Information on how to enter and prizes form part of these Terms and Conditions. Participation in this promotion is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
- The Promoter of this competition is Yakult Australia Pty Ltd (ABN: 97 055 486 443) of Locked Bag 1403 Dandenong South, Victoria, 3164 Australia. Telephone: (03) 9238 4700
- This giveaway is a game of skill. The giveaway commences 11:00am AEDT 8/12/2022 and closes 23:59pm AEDT on 21/12/2022 (“Promotional Period”), however, the eligible entry period for each weekly prize will commence and conclude on the following dates and times:
Entry Period | Start Date | Time (AEDT) | Closing Date | Time (AEDT) |
1 | Thu 8 Dec 2022 | 11:00 AM | Wed 14 Dec | 23:59 PM |
2 | Thu 15 Dec | 00:00 AM | Wed 21 Dec | 23:59 PM |
- All entries will be judged on 22/12/2022 with winners to be contacted on 23/12/2022 via Yakult Australia’s Instagram Direct Message.
- Competition Rules:
- To be eligible to enter, individuals must:
- Share an Instagram Story using the “Hi Yakult Man” Instagram Filter.
- Include the hashtag #howdoyouyakult and tag @yakult_australia in the Instagram Story
iii. Multiple entries permitted, but each entry must be different and each entrant can only win one prize
9. If a competition winner does not respond to their message notifying them that they are the confirmed winner by 23:59pm AEDT on 03/01/2023, they will forfeit their spot as a confirmed giveaway participant and the next eligible entrant will be selected.
* The response date has been extended to the 3rd of January 2023 *
10. The competition is only open to Eligible Entrants. An “Eligible Entrant” is an individual who: (i) is a resident of Australia aged 18 years or older as at the time of entry; and (ii) is not an employee of the Promoter or any of its related corporations or any of their agencies associated with the giveaway; (iii) is not a spouse, defacto spouse, parent, child or sibling (whether full, half, step or by adoption) of such an employee.
Judging Criteria:
All Entries will be judged against the following set of criteria;
11. Creativity or response and alignment with the spirit of the competition.
12. This is a game of skill, chance plays no part in determining the winner. Each entry will be judged individually based on the creativity of the comment. The judges’ decision in relation to any aspect of the giveaway will be final and binding on every person who enters. No correspondence will be entered into. Entrants agree that they are fully responsible for the Content they submit. The Promoter shall not be liable in any way for such Content to the full extent permitted by law. Entrants warrant and agree that: (a) they will not submit any Content that is unlawful or fraudulent, or that the Promoter may deem in breach of any intellectual property, privacy, publicity or other rights, defamatory, obscene, derogatory, pornographic, sexually inappropriate, violent, abusive, harassing, threatening, objectionable with respect to race, religion, origin or gender, not suitable for children aged under 15, or otherwise unsuitable for publication; (b) they will obtain prior consent from any person or property that appears in their Content; (c) they will obtain full prior consent from any person who has jointly created or has any rights in the Content, to the uses and terms herein; (d) their Content shall not contain viruses or cause injury or harm to any person or entity; and (e) they will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation, those governing copyright, content, defamation, privacy, publicity and the access or use of others’ computer or communication systems
13. The promotion consists of one announcement of the winners.
The winners will be announced on the below date:
The winners will be announced on 29/12/2022 via the Yakult Australia Instagram page (winner announcement post) and contacted via Yakult Australia’s Instagram Direct Message.
Prize Information:
14. Promotional Prize Pool is valued at $1,000 and includes:
- 10 Yakult Australia Merchandise Prize Packs with a RRP of $100 (each)
- There will be 5 prize winners from each week’s entries – 10 prize winners in total.