
Author: Yakult

Lactose Intolerance

Not sure if you have ever had such experience: whenever you drink milk, your stomach gurgles and even aches. In severe cases diarrhea is unbearable. If you have experienced all these symptoms, you are likely to be one of those with lactose intolerance.

Milk has been in Australian families for decades. Now it has become a must-have at home especially for children’s standard meals. However, there are always people whose ability to accept milk is less than others. The ability to accept milk here does not refer to a personal dislike of milk, but a non-acceptance by the body. If every time you drink milk, you feel overwhelmed and run to the toilet. This is a typical lactose intolerance. Let us find out about it.

What is lactose intolerance?

Some people’s digestive system lacks lactase and is intolerant to the lactose in milk. They are not able to digest and absorb milk like others do. When they drink milk, symptoms such as abdominal pain, flatulence and diarrhea occur.

Why are some people intolerant to lactose? This is because lactose cannot be directly absorbed by the body, it needs to be broken down by lactase before it can be absorbed. If the level of lactase in the body is insufficient, it will not be able to break down lactose, which results in indigestion of milk.

How is lactose intolerance diagnosed?

If your family members show symptoms of lactose intolerance, please take them to see a GP. The doctor will first help rule out factors that cause similar symptoms, such as gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease. After these factors are eliminated the doctor will direct a series of formal tests to diagnose lactose intolerance, including hydrogen breath test, lactose tolerance test and stool acid test. The doctor may also refer them to a dietitian to observe whether the symptoms are relieved by suspending the intake of certain lactose-containing foods. It is important not to self-diagnose lactose intolerance and make changes to diet without consulting a doctor or a dietitian.

How to deal with lactose intolerance?

People with lactose intolerance do not need to avoid milk completely. As an important source of nutrition, dairy products are especially rich in calcium. It is not worthwhile to reject all dairy products due to lactose intolerance. To deal with different degrees of lactose intolerance, we can take the following measures:

  1. Replace regular milk with lactose free milk. By artificially supplementing lactase in milk, it helps our intestines and stomach to break down lactose, alleviate the symptoms of lactose intolerance and improve the digestion and absorption of milk. Lactose free milk can be found in major supermarkets across Australia.
  2. Choose whole milk over low-fat milk. Because the fat in whole milk slows down the speed of milk passing through the intestine, which allows lactase more time to break down the lactose in milk.
  3. While drinking milk, eat some other food which works as a buffer. Otherwise, drinking milk in small amount multiple times a day instead of drinking large amount at once.
  4. Enjoy some hard cheeses which do not contain/contain little lactose. For example: cheddar, Edam, Swiss, mozzarella, brie, and fetta.
  5. Be mindful of foods that may contain hidden lactose, such as cakes, biscuits, milk chocolate, cheese sauce, cream soup, instant cereals, etc. Develop the habit of reading ingredients label when shopping to avoid food and drink that contain large amount of lactose.

Yakult and lactose intolerance

Do you know? As a fermented milk drink, each bottle of Yakult contains less than 2g of lactose! People with lactose intolerance can safely drink and digest Yakult. In addition, the unique probiotic Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain (LcS) exclusively found in Yakult helps to increase the total amount of beneficial bacteria in our intestines, improve the breakdown and digestion of lactose. To find out more about Yakult: https://www.yakult.com.au


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Please click here.

Yakult’s Mid-Week Nutrition Check In

In October we launched our new ‘Mid-week Nutrition Check In’ series. This series will explore all things gut health and nutrition.

Want to learn more about nutrition and your gut on the go?
These short informative clips are just the thing!

This month we focused on frequently asked questions related to children’s toileting.
Looking at common digestive discomfort such as constipation and diarrhoea, to what is considered a healthy bowel habit for children.

In the coming months we will cover topics on pregnancy, tips on how to create a healthy lunch box and digestive health.

We will have heaps of interesting and easy to digest tips coming your way, follow us on Instagram or Facebook to be in the “know”! All specially curated by our resident Accredited Practising Dietitian, Chloe Swiney.


Yakult Australia March Social Media Giveaway

Social Media Giveaway Time!!!

In March check out our Facebook and Instagram page to enter, comment and tag a friend to go into the lucky draw to our limited release giveaway.

The limited-edition giveaway pack up for grabs includes a Yakult Man Phone Slider, a Yakult x Hello Kitty limited edition phone charm and a Yakult screen cleaner with light for you and your tagged friend.

How to enter:  Like or react to the post & comment your answer (One entry per person).

Competition runs from 11th of March 2022 12:00/PM (AEST) / 03:00 PM (NZDT) and ends on 16th March 2022 09:59 PM (AEDT) / 11:59PM (NZDT).

The winners will be notified via Direct Message and their names will be published in an edited version of this Facebook post on 16 March 2022 12:30 PM (AEDT) / 02:30 PM (NZDT).

*Open to Australian and New Zealand residents only, minimum age of 18.

*One entry per person allowed.

*This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook.

Entry into the competition will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions.

All prizes are as stated, and no cash or other alternatives will be offered. The prizes are not transferable. Prizes are subject to availability and we reserve the right to substitute any prize with another of equivalent value.

Yakult Australia’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the competition will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

The information provided will be used in conjunction with the following Privacy Policy found at https://www.yakult.com.au/privacy-policy/

This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook or Instagram, or any other Social Media Network channels.

The winner of the giveaway is:

Winsome Jackson

Only a Call Away…

Although the ‘unprecedented times’ of 2020 seem to have turned into the ‘precedented times’ of 2021, we all continue to grow and adapt to what this pandemic has thrown at us. Whilst it is crucial for us to be physically distanced, we have spent the last 18 months learning how to keep our social connections intact from afar.

Through the multitude of video calling programs such as Zoom, Teams, WebEx, Slack, Facetime and more, we have been able to keep up that personal connection but from a distance. Something that comes along with this technology is being able to customize our space. Whether it be a serious business meeting or just a catch up with friends, the ability to “choose” where you’re located through a virtual background has been a fun addition to any call.

With these calls becoming the new norm, we have decided to create a few Yakult inspired virtual backgrounds of our own! Adding on to our phone wallpaper series from 2020 (find in the downloads tab here), you can download and use our *kawaii* backgrounds here, here, and here!

                     Yakult Virtual Background 1                                        Yakult Virtual Background 2                                          Yakult Virtual Background 3

With calming colours and an artistic feel, our Yakult inspired office backgrounds are a great addition to your next video call. See how many bottles you can spot in background one or enjoy your very own Yakult patterned chair in background two!

You’re free to use these backgrounds to your heart’s content, and we’d love to see your screenshots of them in action!

Staying connected is important for our mental wellbeing, here are a few ways to take care of our mental health:

Don’t forget to reach out to professionals for free if you’re needing someone to talk to:

Lifeline on 13 11 14
Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800
MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36
Headspace on 1800 650 890
QLife on 1800 184 527

Yakult x National Science Week 2021

In conjunction with National Science Week, running from 14th to the 22nd of August, Yakult Australia is offering some educational programs during the month of August to celebrate the theme Food: Different by Design.

Yakult Onsite Factory Tour (School Groups only) – Science

These sessions focus on Science and Lab Skills. Students will be able to experience hands-on practical tasks such as using the microscope, bacteria plate counting, taste evaluation and other quality control tests.

This program can be tailored to suit different year levels, from primary to secondary schools. Sessions are run:

  • On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
  • For approximately 90 minutes during school hours
  • With a maximum of 20 students per session

Bookings are essential and subject to availability. Please contact education@yakult.com.au to book your session or if you have any questions.


Yakult Factory Guided Virtual Tour

Unable to join our factory in person? We also offer live, guided virtual tours every Tuesday at 4pm – 4.45pm, and Thursday 10am – 10.45am on Zoom. These tours are suitable for friends and families of all age groups.

During the virtual tour, we will introduce to Yakult, its history, and its benefits. We explain the manufacturing process of making Yakult while you get to look at the tanks and production lines where this all happens. Our guide will also be able to answer any Yakult-related questions during the session.

Book your session today here! If you have any question regarding this virtual tour, please feel free to contact us via 1800 640 023 (Australia) or 0800 925 858 (New Zealand).

If you wish to book for a private session for your school group, please contact education@yakult.com.au to arrange a suitable time and availability.


School Holiday Program Review 2021

Every school holiday Yakult offers a program that attracts hundreds of visitors to explore our entire production process. Not only do people come from far and wide to see the intricate details of our factory but they also get to learn about the digestive system and healthy eating. This free program enables primary school age children and their parents the chance to explore one of Australia’s most well-loved drinks. In the recent June/July school holidays we had over 600 people take part in this program.

How is the program run?

The program in a 2-hour fun packed session where you get to experience how Yakult is created from start to finish. Our viewing platforms are designed to showcase the manufacturing processes and take you on a journey.

The school holiday program involves an educational aspect as we discuss the digestive system and engage in fun crafts for all ages. The session educates the children about healthy living and food in their daily life as well as getting creative with craft activities.

As part of our environmental sustainability, we use empty Yakult bottles to create an activity based around Yakult’s Japanese heritage. Yakult Man was a big hit in our educational cartoon on healthy eating emphasising the importance of a healthy diet and eating our vegetables. When Yakult Man wasn’t occupied with protecting our gut, he made a special appearance to take pictures with our visitors and help present the certificates of participation.

Want to be a part of the fun?

For those who have missed out this round and would like to experience this program, please follow our social media pages – Facebook and Instagram, to find out when the next School Holiday Program is open for bookings.  Alternatively send us an email to info@yakult.com.au to express your interest in upcoming programs.

Why We Need More Fibre

Most of the population do not consume enough fibre. The Heart Foundation recommends adults should aim to consume approximately 25g-30 g/day. This might seem high but the average amount of fibre an Australian consumes daily is 20.7 grams (this equates to ½ cup of oats, 1 apple and 2 carrots). So how exactly do we get all this fibre into our diet? Good question! Let us start by considering what is fibre?

What is fibre?

Fibre is the indigestible parts of plant foods, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, beans and legumes. Unlike other carbohydrates (such as sugars and starch), Fibre is not digested in the small intestine and reaches the large intestine or colon to be broken down. It is type of a carbohydrate that helps keep our digestive systems healthy.

How does fibre help our body?

  • Fibre and other nondigestible carbohydrates help to slow the digestive process, which eases the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. When glucose enters the bloodstream more slowly, cells are better able to use it for energy. This slow release is particularly important for individuals with diabetes in managing their blood sugar levels.
  • Fibre keeps your colon healthy by adding bulk to stool (while also helping to block the absorption of potential toxins into your body) reduces your body’s absorption of toxins.
  • Higher amounts of fibre consumed is associated with reduced chronic disease risk- such as heart disease, diabetes, and colorectal cancer.
  • Some fibres (ie: prebiotics) also help to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria and probiotics like the Lactobacillus casei

Ways to increase fibre intake:

There are many ways to increase the fibre content in your diet. Consuming 30g of fibre is the gold standard recommendation but even an increase of 7g of fibre a day has been shown* to reduce diet related diseases including:

  • A 9% decrease in your risk of both heart attacks and cardiovascular disease
  • Protection against colorectal cancer

What 7 g of fibre looks like:

  • 1 large baked potato with the skin on
  • ½ a cup of baked beans
  • 1 large bowl of bran flakes and a piece of fruit

Consuming fibre is an important key to a healthy digestive system. Implementing additional foods into our diet that are rich in fibre can help to provide food for the good bacteria in our intestines and improve our quality of life. For more information go to  https://www.yakult.com.au/health-wellbeing/nutrition-lifestyle/

Probiotics and Fermented Foods, Are They the Same Thing?

New advancements in research are always taking place in the food industry, it can be tricky to keep up to date with the latest findings. Probiotics and fermented foods have been popular in the media lately, although they are not the same the difference between them is unknown to many.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. When we consume probiotics, they increase the number of beneficial bacteria already in out gut. Live microorganisms may be present in many foods and supplements, but a good quality probiotic will always display the 3-part name of their specific characterised strain like the image above.

There are multi-strain probiotic products containing more than one strain, but this does not make them more effective than a probiotic product with a single strain. Likewise, a probiotic supplement might contain a higher number of live bacteria per serve compared to another product, but this is not necessarily better as the quality of the strain takes precedence. Choose a probiotic from a reputable brand and check with the manufacturer to ensure it contains sufficient amounts of live bacteria per serve.

What are fermented foods?

International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) defines fermented foods as those made through desired microbial growth and enzymatic conversions of food components. Fermentation is a chemical change that occurs to food products brought about from microscopic yeast and bacteria. Fermenting foods is often done to improve the shelf stability of the foods and to add to the character or flavour of the food.

Examples are kefir, kombucha and kimchi. Some of these foods may contain live microbes at levels that potentially provide health benefits, but if the fermentation process is done at home, it is hard to ensure the same consistent strain types at sufficiently high numbers to guarantee a health benefit. After the initial fermentation, some fermented foods are further processed (by pasteurisation, baking, or filtering) so they are no longer sources of live microbes. Although fermented foods may be good to consume as part of a healthy lifestyle, the number of benefits cannot be guaranteed as they may not meet the criteria of a probiotic.

Why are they important?

When the digestive tract has an unhealthy balance of bacteria it can compromise our health. Therefore, fermented and probiotic foods can be beneficial by maintaining a healthy balance of microbes. Yakult can help to replenish the beneficial bacteria in our gut and is classified as a probiotic. We use a well-researched strain and test the levels of live bacteria after fermentation to guarantee high numbers in the final product.


Yakult Factory Tours – Now in Mandarin!

Interested in Mandarin-speaking Tours of Yakult?

Yakult Australia is happy to announce that we are now offering a limited number of Mandarin-guided factory tours in June. We want to provide Mandarin-speaking communities with the opportunity to come and explore the story of how Yakult is made.

We are located at 10 Monterey Road, Dandenong South, VIC. The hi-tech facility incorporates food processing equipment designed specifically for manufacturing Yakult, including Yakult’s distinctively shaped bottles, filling and packaging lines, culture, and quality control rooms.

Visitors will not only get to learn about probiotics and the benefits of drinking Yakult but will also get to watch the entire production process safely through our large viewing window. Everyone who visits will get to taste deliciously refreshing Yakult.

This is a unique opportunity not to be missed. Please invite your friends and family to come along. Tours run for approximately 1 hour. Limited spaces available, bookings are essential and subject to availability. More information here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/yakult-australia-factory-tours-mandarin–tickets-153565521609


我们很高兴地宣布,Yakult Australia六月将会有配备中文讲解的工厂参观活动。我们欢迎讲中文的朋友们前来参观和探索养乐多的生产和制造。

养乐多工厂位于10 Monterey Road, Dandenong South, VIC. 我们拥有养乐多专属的高科技食品生产线,包括制造养乐多形状独特的瓶子、罐装和包装养乐多的设备、培养益生菌和监控产品品质的环节。



机不可失,快快邀请您的家人和朋友一起来吧!参观大约持续一个小时,名额有限。请务必提前预约,确保时间合适。预约信息请点击此处: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/yakult-australia-factory-tours-mandarin–tickets-153565521609